Edison Acquired by Yipit to Accelerate Mission of Offering Independent & Privacy-Focused Email Products

In the last decade, our team at Edison has worked determinedly toward building amazing independent email products that offer consumers more privacy, control, and choice. Part of this mission has included creating a fast growing research-backed business that protects consumer privacy and can also compete with consumer products from larger big tech, ad-backed companies that dominate the market. Targeted ads-backed email consumer companies are not privacy-focused.

We’ve invested years and incredible resources to make Edison Mail and OnMail well-loved, cutting-edge, consumer email products that balance Edison’s goal of harnessing the power of privacy-protective research to remain innovative and viable. We also believe Edison has grown to become a success story for how other independent tech companies can offer more choice of consumer services by leveraging a research-backed business model. 

Today, we are excited to share a major milestone with you on this journey. We are pleased to announce we are taking our mission to the next level with Edison joining the Yipit family of products.

Similar to our e-commerce research business, Yipit generates research reports based upon de-identified and aggregated data, with a focus on public companies.

Together, our two companies products and strategies are extremely well aligned and poised to thrive. With more resources and shared passion for preserving consumer choice and privacy within the Edison email platforms, we can add more power to our mission of building the best consumer email products.  

Now is an ideal time to accelerate our efforts. On the consumer side, big tech faces tightening privacy restrictions putting pressure on ad-targeted-based business models and oligopolies, creating more urgency for new technology innovation. On the research side, we live in a period when measuring the enormous surge in pandemic-fueled e-commerce growth is critical for businesses to navigate. 

This is why our combined companies are committed to making Edison’s consumer apps and services successful. Together, we can do more for the consumers and businesses we serve.

Since starting out, Edison’s small software development team has had incredible accomplishments, earning prestigious awards from the Google Play Store, Inc. 5000, Deloitte, The Webby’s, American Business Awards, along with high praise from Forbes, CNBC, Business Insider, The Verge, PCMag, and more. The Edison Mail app has been downloaded by millions of consumers around the globe. The relentless commitment to innovation and refinement by the team are the reasons Edison is widely recognized as an enjoyable and trusted email developer.

Since launching Edison in 2011, the award-winning Edison Mail app in 2016, and the revolutionary OnMail email service in 2021, Edison has worked to not only create the best consumer email experience in the world but one that is privacy-focused and viable for consumers to rely on as we move into the future. 

The Yipit team, co-founded and led by Vinicius Vacanti, has built a privacy-conscious research business, making an ideal home for Edison now and moving forward. Edison’s current team, enthusiastic about building better consumer email products, continues to be responsible for the development and design behind Edison Mail and OnMail. 

This means that the Edison you rely on to send your emails, protect your privacy, and build new features, will get better from here on, with future innovations already in the works to roll out in the coming months. Safely protecting your inbox and creating more choice for consumers is the foundation upon which this company was built.  

Thanks to the support of our Edison Mail and OnMail users, a sustainable and privacy-research-backed business model, and our dedicated team, we will continue our mission to offer consumers more choices and independent consumer products they love to use. 



Download the Edison Mail App Today

Learn more about how you can use Edison Mail for iOS, Mac, and Android to their fullest potential. Reduce spam, and access your favorite email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft Exchange, Comcast, and more in a clean unified inbox.



Should you use Edison Mail or OnMail (or both)?


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